Thursday 6 April 2023

What is Hazardous Waste Incineration?

Reportedly, there are three significant hazardous waste streams in UAE, which are Petrochemical waste, Medical Waste, and e-Waste. To avoid hazardous waste export, government-funded waste management companies have established centralised treatment facilities. The Centre for Waste Management (CWM) already introduced guidelines and established treatment facilities. These facilities offer Hazardous Waste Management Services in Abu Dhabi, treating hazardous waste through different methods. This may include methods like Medical Waste Incineration, Engine Oil treatment, Tyre Shredding etc. The government is also taking initiative and encouraging companies for proper handling of e-waste.


How Government helping in controlling hazardous waste? 

A few major electronic distributors like CWT have established waste collection centres, and transfer waste subsequently to already established facilities. However, a major fraction of e-waste is still collected in an unorganised manner, in order to export to Southeast Asian countries.

In accordance with Article 12 of the law, hazardous waste produced locally must be transported and disposed of through land borders, the marine environment limit, and the airspace in accordance with the rules, procedures, and controls stipulated in the Basel Agreement and coordinated with the Federal Environmental Agency.

The government has passed various legislation to regulate and organise the waste management sector. The Abu Dhabi Law 21 of 2005 regulates waste management in the emirate. According to the law, the Centre of Waste Management Authority is responsible for monitoring and managing the transportation of hazardous waste.

Furthermore, shipments containing hazardous wastes are well controlled and monitored, which are coming to UAE. Additionally, the government imposes fine on companies if mixed plastic waste was reported. 

Further impetus is required by the government to invest in better waste handling, treatment and storage facilities for e-waste, nuclear waste and other such waste. 

Hazardous & Nonhazardous Waste Collection

Hazardous waste is potentially dangerous, and poses serious risks to public health or the environment. Hence, viable waste transport solutions are required to collect waste without compromising on safety and environmental standards.

Hence, we can say that waste management is essential for community and environmental protection.

Consequences of improper hazardous waste management

Hazardous waste can be destructive for humans. Hence, improper management of hazardous waste can lead to. Hence there is an urgent need for proper disposal of waste to preserve the environment.

Improper hazardous waste management can lead to increased pollution levels. Furthermore, improper waste management can inflict damage to the extent that if no adequate steps are taken, then it can cause irreparable damage.

Hazardous waste also contaminates soil, thus polluting soils and can be detrimental to the environment in many ways. Also, it leads to water pollution, and global warming, and affects human and marine life in a worsened way. Water pollution is one of the main dangers, as it may contain various toxic liquid substances and chemicals.

This polluted water stream can affect plants, animals and humans. Improper hazardous waste management can also lead to global warming, thus future generations can suffer. Therefore all hazardous waste needs effective waste management so that the plant can be preserved.


Post Covid-19, there is an additional burden of the medical waste generated and can be treated in incineration facilities.

Incinerating hazardous garbage is a delicate process. But it is an effective way to destroy and treat hazardous waste, that can pose a serious threat to the environment and public health.

Incineration employs the high-temperature process to break down hazardous waste into ash and other byproducts.


What Kind of Hazardous Waste is Incinerated?

A huge variety of hazardous waste can be treated securely with this method. Hazardous waste management includes:

  • Clinical Waste
  • Cosmetics
  • Pharmaceutical waste/laboratory waste
  • Pesticides
  • Commercial and Household Paints
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Medical Waste – Infectious and Radioactive


There are different disposal options available for most difficult materials waste like pharmaceutical waste and radioactive waste management.


What Waste Cannot Be Incinerated?

There are some substances which cannot be treated at an incineration facility:

  • Activated Carbon – The use of activated carbon is widespread in public water purification, industrial pollution control, and food and beverage manufacturing. 
  • Animal Fats – Incineration plants cannot handle animal fats since they are highly flammable and uncontrollable. 
  • Agrochemicals – Some specific chemicals release harmful gases. And if it is exposed to high temperatures, it can lead to environmental and human health consequences.


What Kind of Incinerators Are Used for Hazardous Waste?

World-wide, hazardous waste is typically incinerated with 4 main types of incinerator plants.

  • Simple Incinerator
  • Fixed or Moving Grate Incinerator
  • Rotary Kiln Incinerator
  • Fluidized Bed Incinerator


Hazardous Waste Management Services in Abu Dhabi

Cleanco Waste Treatment can responsibly dispose of your hazardous waste in a safe manner. CWT employs reliable processes through approved incineration facilities. Further, we are safety professionals who ensure that hazardous waste is efficiently and safely incinerated at an inspected hazardous waste incineration facility.


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