Thursday 22 December 2022

What are the Three Major Waste Streams in the UAE

Unprecedently, Solid waste management is a major issue in many countries, where urbanization, industrialization, and economic growth have resulted in increased per capita solid waste generation. Hence, Waste management infrastructure is critical to achieving sustainable development. Waste dumps are harmful to the environment and public health. Plus, Odor is also a serious issue, especially during the summer when average temperatures exceed at a rapid rate.

Cleanco Waste Treatment

Cleanco Waste Treatment is a subsidiary of the H.E. Yousef Khouri Group of Companies, founded in 1980 as one of the first branded Emirati-owned family businesses in the UAE. As part of its integrated waste management solutions, CWT operates multiple unit operations that work with a diverse clientele and handle waste streams. Let us now go over the three major waste streams in the UAE and ponder these critical issues in depth.

Three Major Waste Streams in the UAE are as follows:

Medical Waste-

Medical waste, in general, refers to healthcare industry waste that has been contaminated by blood, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials. A subset of waste is generated in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, and dental practices. Besides, improper disposal of discarded needles and other sharp objects can endanger the health of the general public and workers. Furthermore, loose containers may expose workers to needle stick injuries and infection. Janitors and housekeepers are also at risk of injury if sharp needles penetrate plastic garbage bags. In addition, used needles can spread dangerous diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

Petrochemical Waste-

Waste oil is defined as any petroleum-based or synthetic oil that is unfit for its original purpose due to contamination. However, this can be due to impurities or the loss of original properties. You can dispose of it in a variety of ways, like sending used oil off-site, burning used oil as fuel, and so on. Therefore, used oil must be stored in tanks or containers, either above or underground, for on-site combustion. The containers must be in good working order and have no leaks. Last but not least, maintaining and implementing oil spill prevention is also required.

Automobile Waste-

Undoubtedly, modernization has increased vehicle production and use. As a result, there has been an increase in the production of automobile waste. Reusing and recycling waste materials such as metal, plastic, rubber, and glass are part of automotive waste management. Henceforth, recycling these materials helps to address environmental concerns as well as the issue of resource depletion.

Parting Words:

The UAE is addressing this issue by putting specific measures in place to deal with waste management. It has become a major focus for various Middle Eastern governments, with the majority now investing in sustainable waste management solutions. Governments are willing to make significant changes in their approach to waste management in order to achieve their long-term sustainable environmental goals. On November 17, 1992, the UAE ratified the Basel convention regulations. To ensure complete waste management, a three-pronged approach to hazardous waste handling and treatment has been proposed.

We hope that reading about these major waste streams in the UAE has inspired you to do your part to save our planet. It is critical to raise community awareness and change people's attitudes toward waste in order to develop proper and sustainable waste management systems. These fundamental requirements should be met. Cleanco Waste Treatment provides hazardous waste management service in Abu Dhabi and worldwide. Also, CWT pledges to put in diligent efforts to save our planet from the toxic effects of inorganic and non-biodegradable wastes. Undoubtedly, our collective efforts can make a difference.

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